Sunday, July 28, 2019

bringing the dead back to life

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Romans 11:13-36. Paul is talking about the new life given to those who were once dead. "It will be life for those who were dead!" he exclaims.

And He does that for us, too. "Of course, at the end of time," we say with Mary the sister of Lazarus. And yes, it does mean that. But it means more than that. He brings us back to life in other ways. He heals our relationships, and brings them back to life. He heals our minds and helps us to think and learn and grow again. He forgives our sins, and brings our holiness back to life once more. He takes what was dying or dead in us and breathes new life into it.

Isn't it exciting when He does?

God, thanks for breathing new life into our dead lives.

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