Wednesday, March 6, 2019

what true religion is

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Mark 12:38-13:13. Jesus talks about widows twice! First He tells His disciples not to be like the religious leaders of His day, who proudly announced their acts of piety, but then cheated widows out of the money they needed to survive. Then He lauded a poor widow who gave a tiny amount of money to the church... but it was all she had.

Jesus was very protective of widows and children. And so it's no surprise that in the book of James, we're told that true religion is taking care of widows and orphans (and keeping ourselves "unstained" 1:27). Jesus explained in His sermons that what we do for the "least of these", we do for Him.

Who are the least of these today? The vulnerable. The weak. Those who can't take care of themselves. You might think of homeless people. Or the mentally challenged. Maybe people over a certain age, or under a certain age. Maybe you think of those who should be MOST protected, in their mother's wombs... but who are most at risk of being legally killed in our country today, and in a growing number of countries around the world.

What can you do to protect these people? Well, the first, simplest, and most effective thing you can do is pray. Pray for them, and try to do it daily. When God opens up opportunities, provide for them. Maybe work at a homeless shelter one day a week, or donate to a foster program. Ask God to show you how you can help: because this is what true religion is.

God, thanks for making it clear that we are to help those in need. Please help us help them.

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