Sunday, January 20, 2019

what the Kingdom is worth

Today we read from Matthew 13:24-46 in the One Year Bible. Jesus is telling us about the Kingdom of Heaven. He uses several parables to tell us what it's like. In some of them, He tells us that He lets those who do evil continue to live in and among the righteous until the end of time, when they'll be separated and judged.

But the thing I focused on tonight was the cost of the Kingdom. Jesus makes it clear that the Kingdom of God is worth all that we have. He compares it to a man who finds a treasure in a field, so he sells EVERYTHING HE HAS to buy that field, so he can get the treasure.

So two things we can learn from this. One, the Kingdom might cost us all that we have. In fact, it will at the end of our lives. But when you think about it, we're going to lose "all that we have" anyway, so giving it on purpose, to gain a treasure that we cannot LOSE, only makes sense. The transaction is purely logical, as long as you have the right perspective.

And that's the second thing we learn. That we're not giving everything up for no reason. We're giving it up to gain something. Jesus didn't tell us "Give up your family and possessions and pleasures and your very life.... and that's it." He made BOLD promises. He said that in return for what we give up, we gain 100 times as much in this life, and then after we die, eternal life. He didn't flinch or prevaricate. He was very straightforward in the rewards that He promised us.

That's something for us to remember every day. It will cost us everything. But the rewards are more than we can imagine. We need to keep that priority in mind as we go about our daily business. As we are kind to those who abuse us. As we go out of our way to help those who can't thank us. It will cost us so much. But He will give us so much more.

God, thanks for reminding us of the cost - and the rewards - of following You.