Monday, January 21, 2019

only a few miracles

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Matthew 13:47-14:12. Jesus goes to his home town, and they don't believe in Him. They say they know His family, and know where He grew up. So how can He claim to be someone important? Because of their lack of faith, He could only do a few miracles among them.

Two things to learn from this. One, it takes humility for us to allow God to work in our lives through those whom we know. When your brother, or your mom, comes to you with some wisdom that God impressed on them to tell you, it's difficult to accept it. You naturally think that they can't really be telling you something from God because you've known them all of your life and you've heard them say some pretty unimpressive things. But God often uses our friends and family to teach us and give us direction, so that humility is something we really need in order to do what He's calling us to.

The second thing is that God can only do miracles in our lives when we have faith in Him. If we lack faith, then He will only perform "a few miracles", not the amazing miraculous lives that He wants for us. Let's not get to the end of our lives and find out that our lack of faith only allowed Him to do a few miracles in our lives. Let's live daringly, with complete faith in Him, so He can do amazing things.

God, thanks for speaking to us through our friends and family. And thank You for doing miracles in our lives, even if our faith is weak.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Unimpressive things eh?