Sunday, January 27, 2019

fixing stupid

Today we read from Matthew 18:1-20 in the One Year Bible. In this selection, Jesus is answering the disciples' foolish questions about who will be greatest in the kingdom. The questions are foolish because they don't understand how things work in the kingdom. Yet.

So Jesus gives them a little object lesson. He welcomes a small child to come sit with Him, and He tells the disciples that they must become like little children in order to even ENTER the Kingdom of Heaven. And then He goes on to give very serious consequences to those who harm the little ones.

It reminded me of some situations when I was growing up and one group of junior high teens was making fun of a kid who was a little slower than they were. I heard them ridiculing him, and I thought how stupid they were being in doing so. But then I realized I was doing exactly what they were doing, but to THEM. We are all a little stupid. But fortunately, we CAN fix it.

This is fortunate because we start at home. I begin fixing my own stupid. One way I do this is by learning to be kind to those who are slow at learning, and helping them along their way. Teach them, rather than ridicule them. That's helping the little ones Jesus talked about, not hurting them.

Obviously, we can't FORCE anyone to leave their foolishness and stupidity behind and move into the light. But we aren't responsible for MAKING them change. We are responsible for how WE act, and for setting an example that they can follow if they are willing.

We can fix stupid. Our own stupid. And then we can help those who are willing to fix theirs, too. Maybe if enough of us start doing that, we can help to begin healing our broken world.

God, thanks for reminding us that fixing the world begins with fixing ourselves.