Friday, December 7, 2018

your greatest joy

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 3 John, the entire book. John tells us that his greatest joy is seeing the faith of his "children", meaning those who became Christians due to his work. This brings up a good question.

What is your greatest joy?

We've talked in the last few weeks about what God wants for us. And how learning what He wants enables us to pray and get our prayers answered (with a yes).

But when you examine your own heart, what do you find to be your greatest joy? What brings you the most joy? It's a good thing for us to explore, because learning what brings us joy, and comparing it to what He wants for us most, gives us a good idea of how we need to grow.

So maybe stop now, think about what your greatest joy is, and then pray that He shows you how to make it into what He wants for you.

God, thanks for giving us joy. Teach us to find our deepest joy in Your will for us, whatever that is.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Greatest joy = Jeff Reedy and Brian Reedy