Thursday, December 6, 2018

your full reward

Today in the One Year Bible we read from 2 John 1:1-13. John tells us to be diligent so that we receive our "full reward." And I think that's a very important piece of advice.

We know that those of us who are saved and go to heaven will go through a "fire" of sorts, which will burn up anything in our lives that are not pure, not of God. The Bible says this pretty clearly. That's the negative side. The positive side is that those things which ARE of Him will not get burned up - we will take them with us into eternity.

John is telling us to focus on these important things. To store up our treasures so that we retain more of them in eternal life.

How do we do that? By focusing less on temporary things like money, cars, fame, success, houses... the things that people in this world tend to think of as important... and to focus instead on the things that last forever: other people. Loving others, helping them grow, giving ourselves away for them. That's what will survive, and be our eternal reward.

God, help us focus on the eternal.