Tuesday, December 18, 2018

the power of repentance

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Revelation 9:1-21. Through a very negative example, we learn the power of repentance. The powers of the angels of death are unleashed on the earth. People are dying in droves... or wishing they would die. But they refuse to repent. They hang on to their sins and fight God.

That's the difference between Peter and Judas. They both sinned. They both denied Jesus, turned away from Him in His time of need. They both betrayed Him. Peter even went a step further, and swore an oath that he'd never even met Him.

But Peter repented.

You and I and every other human (just about) who walked this earth have sinned. We have denied Him, betrayed Him, and chosen our sins over God. We have even fought Him from time to time. (The word "Israel" means "struggles with God.")

But we repent. We turn away from our sins. Instead of holding on to our sins and fighting God, we fight our sins, and hang on to Him. That's the difference.

God, please help us to always repent, to always seek You, and to always keep fighting those sins that so easily entangle us.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Amen, Father forgive me for I have sinned, in my thoughts and in my deeds.