Sunday, December 30, 2018

all things new

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Revelation 21:1-27. John tells us that at the end of time, God sends us a new city to live in. He makes everything new, including us. And that's kind of amazing when you think of it.

We know what it's like to have a new house. Or a new car. But to have new bodies... we don't know what that's like. It's hard for us to imagine. We think of babies as being new, but there are no examples we can look at involving adults with new bodies.

But He does that. Not just at the end of time, but in our lives now. He gives new life to our relationships with one another. He gives us a new "lease on life" as we call it, when He makes possibilities that we never dreamed of before. He's good at making all things new.

So it's no surprise... though it IS a matter of wonder and amazement... that He makes all things new at the end of time. New forever. The shine on those clear as glass golden streets will never fade.

God, thanks for making all things new... now, and forever.