Monday, December 3, 2018

a helpful reminder

Today we read some very good and timely advice in the One Year Bible. We read from 2 John 3:7-24. John tells us not to be surprised when the world hates us.

He got this from Jesus, of course, who said the same thing in John 15:18. And it's true today just as it was at the time he wrote it. The sad thing is, we Christians keep forgetting it. Jesus told us 2000 years ago that the world would hate us. Yet we still get surprised when... guess what... the world hates us.

The world especially hates when we point out what it right and wrong. Which is sad, because we point out these things, not to make them feel bad (or at least that shouldn't be our motivation) or to make ourselves look better (see previous parenthetical statement) but in order to help people to live good, full, vibrant, abundant lives. But they don't want to hear it, partially because it means they have to change and admit they're wrong (two things people hate doing.) But partially because they have been lied to by the "spirits of the age" against whom we are truly fighting.

So... keep this in mind: don't be surprised when the world hates you. It's GOING to. We KNOW it will. Be prepared for it. Go in knowing that it will happen.

And love them anyway.

God, thanks for preparing us for the inevitable. Help us love them in return.

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