Sunday, November 4, 2018

the one with the things God can't do

Today Paul brings up an important concept in Hebrews 6:1-20 in the One Year Bible. He says that it's impossible for people who walk away from Jesus, once they've experienced Him, to come back again. And it's important to realize that for MEN, this is impossible. Trying to talk them into coming back will be fruitless. And, we might realize, trying to argue people into knowing God better will also prove fruitless. But it's important to know that with God, all things are possible. So the repentance, and return, of those who have walked away from Him can only be accomplished by the working of His spirit in their hearts. We can pray for them, and love them.

But then Paul goes on to say that God can't lie. He's talking about a promise and vow that God made those who follow Him. And he says very clearly, God cannot lie. That brings up an interesting question that theologians and philosophers have pondered throughout time: can God do evil? I won't try to answer THAT huge question in this little blog. But we DO have it on good authority that He can't lie.

This has to do (among other things) with Him being Truth itself. He can't contradict Himself, and He is Truth. So lying would go against His very nature, and He won't do that. What that means, practically, in our little lives, separate from the halls of deep theological pursuits, is that He will keep His promises.

He has promised us many things. For instance, if we lack wisdom, we can ask for it, and He will give it to us. If we ask Him for forgive us, He will. He will never forget or abandon us. There are many things that He's promised throughout the Bible, and you don't have to worry about Him not doing them. He can't not do them. He can't lie.

That should reassure you. No matter how hard your day, your week, your month, or even your year has been... He'll be there for you. He's the best Friend you could ever want.

God, thanks for being a Friend closer than a brother. Please help us to trust Your promises.

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