Wednesday, October 17, 2018

who we pray for

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Timothy 2:1-15. Paul tells Timothy who we should pray for. He urges him to pray for "all people." That includes the king, by the way. And the king at the time he was doing the urging was not someone you might think of as particularly close to God.

We find ourselves in a similar situation today. The leaders in our world do stupid things. Some of them seem downright evil. But Paul's admonition is still true. God loves everyone, no matter how bad they are. He wants everyone to be saved, as Paul goes ON to say in verse 4. So pray for those you like... and pray for those you don't. Pray for everyone. And when you hear that this horrible world leader has suddenly started making some good decisions... well, you may just have made a difference.

God, thanks for making it simple: pray for everyone.