Friday, October 5, 2018

what to do with suffering

Today we read from Colossians 1:18-2:7 in the One Year Bible. Paul tells us something interesting about suffering.

He says "I am glad when I suffer in my body, because I am participating in the sufferings of Christ that continue for His body, the Church." That tells you something important about suffering. We can unite it with His suffering, and "participate in the redemption of the world."

Does that mean we should try to suffer more? I don't think so. There ARE some saints (including my favorite saint, Therese of Lisieux) who asked for more suffering. But I'm not a big fan of suffering, myself. I think enough suffering comes our way in this life without asking for more of it. So what do we do with the suffering that DOES come our way?

Offer it up. You may not know what that means, or how to do it. But it's very simple. When you suffer, whether it's a headache or losing someone you love, just pray, "God, I'm hurting right now. I offer You my pain, and I ask You to unite it to Your own." Many times when I pray that, my suffering goes away. But even if it doesn't, it gives my suffering meaning. There's not much worse than needless or pointless suffering. But when your suffering means something, it gives it dignity.

God, thank You for allowing us to unite our suffering to Yours.

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