Wednesday, October 3, 2018

how to be joyful all the time

Today in the One Year Bible, we read some of my favorite verses. We read from Philippians 4:1-20. And I've always liked these verses, but it's literally never occurred to me that they fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.

See, Philippians 4:4 says to rejoice all the time. All. The. Time. And this was written by someone who had plenty of reasons to NOT be full of joy. He probably wrote these verses from prison. But he knew HOW to be joyful all the time. And it never occurred to me that he TELLS us how in the follow few verses.

First of all, don't worry about anything. That's a huge key to joy. Be anxious for NOTHING, he says, but instead do this: in every single thing in your life, tell God what you need. And be sure to thank Hi for all the stuff He's done for you already. That's one thing you can do.

Thing two: whatever is good, or true, or happy, or wonderful... whatever is worth smiling about... think about those things. "Fix your mind" on them. Don't grumble and complain. Instead, focus your attention on all the good in your life. Keep bringing your mind back to it. This will bring you joy.

So there are two huge steps toward being joyful all the time. Don't worry. Be happy. The three little birds were right. Every little thing... gonna be alright.

God, thank You for teaching us how to be full of joy.