Thursday, August 23, 2018

what it all comes to

Today we read from 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 in the One Year Bible. Paul tells us what ultimately matters. Everything else is secondary. There were some in Corinth that were saying that there is no resurrection from the dead. And that seems logical, doesn't it? I mean, how many people have YOU seen raised from the dead? We all know people who have died... but none of us know people who died and then came back. (Or if you do, you're in a tiny minority.)

So we can understand why this group was thinking this. Why the Sadducees didn't believe in a resurrection. It defies our common experience.

But that's what it all comes to. As Paul has said in other passages, if the resurrection of Jesus isn't true, we are all the worst of fools.

The world hangs in this balance. Either Jesus rose from the dead, and by doing so, made it possible for all of us to follow Him and do the same... or all we have is this short life. Which do you believe?

For me, I know that it's true. I see the things He's done in my life, and in the lives of those around me. I know that the deepest truth comes from those who delve into the depths of what it means to truly live forever. I know it's true, because I trust the One who tells me it is.

If you struggle with doubt about this most important question... don't hide your doubt. Share it with Him. Tell Him you struggle. And pray, in the words of the father who'd lost his child, "Lord I believe... help my unbelief!"

And He will.

God, thank You for conquering sin and death, and making it possible for us to live with You forever. Help us to believe it.