Friday, January 26, 2018

what will you ask at the burning bush?

In today's readings, which you can find if you CLICK HERE for the OT and CLICK HERE for the NT, we read about the burning bush. Moses comes to the burning bush, where God meets with him. He gives him a mission - to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt.

In the New Testament reading, we hear about many different people coming to Jesus. The disciples are trying to follow Him, and to find out what He wants them to do. Some people come to Him for food, and some come for healing from various diseases. The officials come to get money from Him.

God is waiting for you, as well. "I AM" is closer to you than your very breath. He hears the cries of your heart as you suffer. Like the children of Israel, crying out in Egypt. Like the Psalmist, who writes the words that Jesus would later quote, "My God, my God... why have You abandoned me?"

You may feel abandoned. Even Jesus seems to have felt that way once. But He has not abandoned you. He hears you. And He is here, waiting to hear what you want from Him. What do you ask for? Money, like the officials? Health and food, like the people who came looking for answers but not The Answer? Or, like the disciples, will you follow Him, and ask Him for the gift that He can give you that is better than all other gifts: Himself?

What will you ask for today? He's waiting for your request.

God, thanks for being here for us to ask. Please help us ask wisely.


Julie said...


Marion said...

Before the Old Testament was numbered, psalms were referred to by the first line. When Christ cried out, “My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?” He was referring to Psalm 22, who’s in first part is a lament, not of despair, but of letting go. Secondly this psalm is a
Psalm of praise. Christ never felt abandoned by God. It is a shame that so many people think he did.

jefe said...

how do you know what Christ felt?