Tuesday, January 2, 2018

rejoice with trembling

We continue our journey through the Bible today, January 2, with the next readings from the old and new testaments. Click Here for the reading from the Old Testament, and Click Here for the reading from the New. Click Here if you want to hear someone else read it, and hear their reflection.

Today we hear from several different stories, each teaching us many things. But over all, I think we see the idea of consequences. Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit... Cain's offering isn't accepted, and he becomes the world's first murderer, killing his own brother. Joseph and Mary listen to the angel, and their family is safe from the mad king who murders all of the children in the town where they lived. People plan against God, and plot to "throw off His chains", and He laughs at their foolishness. So many actions, so many consequences.

And that's important for us to remind ourselves here, on January 2, 2018. When we do stupid things, there are consequences. God forgives our sins, but our sins still affect our lives, and other people. When we do good things, it has amazing and wonderful, powerful effects on our own lives, and on the lives of those in the world.

In fact, we see in the readings today that our actions not only affect us and other people, but they affect the world we live in. When Adam sinned, the ground was cursed along with him. When we make bad choices, we hurt the earth, our home, and we hurt the animals and plants that God has given us to watch over. When we make good decisions, we promote life and health and peace, not just in our own lives and in other people, but even in the animals and plants and the earth itself.

What you do matters. Let's make good decisions today, and make our world a better place.

God, please give us wisdom to make good decisions, keeping in mind that our actions have consequences, and we should rejoice... with trembling.

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