Thursday, January 10, 2019

how to praise God

Today we read from Psalm 9:1-12 in the One Year Bible. And in the very first verse, we read about how to praise God.

There are many ways to praise God, of course. The kind that usually comes to mind is through singing praise songs. Or maybe by praying and telling Him how awesome He is.

But the Psalmist tells us of another way to praise Him. To tell of the wonderful things He's done. He's done wonderful things in your life, right? When you tell other people about it, you're praising God.

So don't be silent. Share those stories. Tell people in your life about the amazing things He's done. You'll find that He inhabits the praise of His people - that means that as you talk about how great He is, He will actually BE there, right in the middle of your story. And then more great things will happen. You see how this perpetuates more and more goodness.

What are you waiting for?

God, thanks for teaching us how to praise You, and for indwelling our praise.