Sunday, October 7, 2018

kindness, patience, humility, and something more

Today in the One Year Bible we read from Colossians 3:1-17. Paul tells us to think about heaven, and not to think so much about our lives on earth. To put greed and all of the usual earthly pleasures behind us as we focus on what's most important. Then he goes on to tell us what IS most important.

He talks about kindness and patience. He mentions humility and mercy and gentleness. But above all of these, he says, put on love. If you find yourself in need of that love as you're reading this, ask Him to pour it into you. Ask Him to take away everything that is preventing His love from filling you entirely. Ask Him to overwhelm you with His love. He'll do it. That's His desire for you, and you're learning to agree with Him.

God, thank You for teaching us what's most important. Help us to be filled with Your love.