Monday, February 19, 2018

coming close to God

Today we read about doing what it takes to come close to God. The last sentence of our OT reading for today (Lev 7:28-9:6) says that we should do "all these things" to prepare us for when God comes to us.

And then Jesus in our NT reading (Mark 3:31-4:25) says that we should pay close attention to what He's teaching us, because by doing so, we understand how to bring about the kingdom of God in our lives. In other words, the same idea from the OT. What to do so that "the glory of the Lord may appear to you."

And we know what we are to do, don't we? Is there any doubt? We know to spend time reading the Bible. To spend time each day in prayer. To love Him with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength. And to love others like we love ourselves. If we do these things, and confess the sins that will inevitably come along from time to time, then we prepare ourselves for His presence. We become the fertile soil that Jesus tells us about - reaping rich harvests.

So let's develop those habits. Let's make a point of reading the words He's given us each day, and spending time in prayer. Can you commit to praying for thirty minutes each day? My spiritual director assigned this to me a few years ago, and my daily prayer walk has changed my life. You might consider trying it - set aside thirty minutes every day for prayer. Maybe take a walk. Or kneel. Or sit looking out a window. Whatever posture works for you. But thirty minutes every day is not a huge commitment - and it will change your life.

God, thanks for teaching us what to do in order to invite You into our lives. Help us do those things.

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