Saturday, January 20, 2018

we all have different gifts

Today we read about Joseph in the OT reading, which you can listen to HERE and HERE, and in the NT reading HERE, we hear about Jesus using parables to teach.

The question that arose in my mind as I read about Joseph interpreting dreams was this: since we see God speaking to people in their dreams all the time in the Bible, shouldn't we all expect God to speak to us in our dreams? And of course, the answer is no. But why?

God gives different people different gifts. Right? I mean, we know this from reading the New Testament, where it tells us that some are called to be teachers, some healers, some prophets, and so forth. We all have different talents that He has given us, and He wants us to use them. I'm sure you know what some of yours are already, but if you're still trying to get a handle on them, just think about what you enjoy doing. Usually our gifts are closely related to the things that we like to do. When you think about the different ways we can serve God: praying for people, caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, teaching the faith, building new churches, etc... which of them appeals to you? That's probably your calling.

And it's important for us to realize that we all have gifts, but none of us have ALL of the gifts. So we don't want to look down on others for using their gifts. Neither should we be jealous of others who are using their gifts well. Rather than be jealous, we should ask God to teach us how to use the gifts He's given US in a way that will be effective like the person we're tempted to be jealous of.

God, thanks for giving us all different gifts... help us use them for Your kingdom.

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