Thursday, January 18, 2018

the good and the bad

Yayyyy, I've got recordings for you! CLICK HERE to listen to the OT reading and CLICK HERE for the NT. CLICK HERE if you've gotten attached to that other guy while I was gone.

Today we read the phrase, "I said to the Lord, 'You are my master! Every good thing I have comes from You!'" And the verse in the picture above agrees. All of the good things in our lives come from God. So when you see something good in your life, don't forget to thank Him for it.

But we also read a story that helps us understand things that DON'T seem so great in our lives. Joseph is sold into slavery by his own brothers! After they first conspired to kill him! That, on first glance, does NOT seem to be a good thing. If I was Joseph in this story, I would not be thinking, "This is a good thing that I should thank God for!" But.... we see that God DOES work this for good. Not just for Joseph, but even for the brothers who plotted against him. So even when things seem very dark in your lives - even when people hurt you, out of selfishness and hatred and fear and pride - seek His face. He will work it for your good.

He's the master at that.

God, thank You for being the author of everything good in our lives - and for working the bad into good as well.