Saturday, September 16, 2017

washing feet

St Cyril of Alexandria talks to us tonight about humility. He gives us the example of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples.

In one way, this is a humble act. He does the work of a "lowly servant". It's definitely a lesson in humility.

But, it's also a picture of love. Jesus, as God, created the disciples. He loved them like they were His children. He created their feet. The same kind of love that leads parents to change their baby's diaper was present in Jesus, to a far greater degree, when He performed this "humble act." How much more humiliating would it be to change a baby's diaper? But when done in love, it doesn't feel like humility. Because it's not about how it makes the parent look, or feel. It isn't about the parent. It's about the baby, the focus of the parent's love.

When we learn to see those in need as God's children, taking care of them won't feel like humility.

It'll just be love.

God, please fill us with Your love, so we might follow Your example.