Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Lewis talks today about recognizing Him in the little things, in A Year with C.S. Lewis.

And Jesus said the same thing, in other words. He said we learn to recognize His voice, like sheep recognize the voice of their shepherd. How do we learn to recognize that voice?

Well, by hearing it, of course. And how do we hear it? By spending time with Him. Sometimes that means reading the Bible. That's where we know we can hear Him. But also in prayer, listening for that still, small voice that still speaks to us, even in 2016. God still speaks to all of us, all the time. We just have to get quiet and listen. Be still, and know that He is God. And like Samuel, say "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening."

What would you like to tell us today, Jesus?

1 comment:

Julie said...

He wants to tell you how much He loves you!