Friday, June 3, 2016

just like them

Today in A Year with C.S. Lewis, he talks about the difference between the moment of the resurrection and the results of it.

He points out that many people refer to the resurrection, which the apostles witnessed, as the moment right after Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to those outside His empty tomb. But even that isn't the MOMENT of the resurrection. THAT moment no one least, no mere humans did.

But that brings us to an important point. The apostles didn't witness the moment He rose...But they experienced the results of it. The same is true for us.

We are far removed in space and time from the moment that Jesus rose from the dead. But we see the results of it just like they did. We experience Him, impossibly alive again, like they did. Just like them, we believe and we doubt, simultaneously. Just like them, we are amazed by what He has done, and we welcome His continued, amazing, mind blowing activities in our lives.

Just like them, we ask for His Holy Spirit to fall on us, and make us more fully His. To give us the fruits of His presence: love, joy, peace, patience, self control, kindness...

Just like them, we share the joy of our good news with other people. The good news that Jesus swallowed death for us, and made it something new, something we no longer have to fear.

Just like them, the world (and especially the enemy) hates us, because it hated Him first. It tries to destroy us, but it can't. Because, just like them, greater is He who is in us than the whole rest of the entire world.

Just like them, we say...come quickly, Lord Jesus. We love You.


Unknown said...

Yes we want to sit at His feet and ask all the questions we can't get answered any other way. We want to sit and stare at Him in awe and admiration. We want Him back.

Unknown said...

Yes we want to sit at His feet and ask all the questions we can't get answered any other way. We want to sit and stare at Him in awe and admiration. We want Him back.

Julie said...

Any time now would be great!