Friday, January 22, 2016

the hammering process

We're learning from the wit and wisdom of C.S. Lewis this year, as we read A Year with C.S. Lewis together. It is available as an e-book from for $2.99 if you would like to follow along. Today we read the excerpt from January 22.

Lewis talks about how God taught the Jews throughout their history. He refers to this as the "hammering process" during which He makes it abundantly clear what kind of God that He is.

You might feel as though you are experiencing His hammering process yourself right now. Feel a little beat up by life? Stinging from a few blows? Is the heat of the furnace of your situation starting to get to you?

Well, you might find comfort in the fact that God only corrects those He loves. And while He might not have SENT those blows in your direction (we humans are oh so good at beating each other up without His help. Heck, we beat ourselves up, don't we?), He can certainly USE them the way the blacksmith is using the blows in the picture above - to shape you into the person He wants you to be.

That's pretty much exactly what "God works everything for the good of those who love Him" means. So while the pain is real, and the heat can be maddening, and the blows still sting... remember that God can and will use every pain in your life to make you into the child He created you to be. Just offer up your pain to Him, keep seeking His kingdom and His righteousness.

And all these things will be added to you.

God, thank You for the hammering process.

1 comment:

Julie said...

There is always sunshine after the rain. And the sky is always so clean and beautiful.