Monday, October 13, 2008

big brother's eagle eye

i went to see 'eagle eye' this weekend. i went alone, as my gf wasn't really interested in seeing it.
it was pretty good. although i'm not a huge shia fan, he did alright. i'd never heard of michelle monaghan before, but i thought it was kimberly williams the whole time. they look alot alike... anyway, she was pretty good.
the story line was nicely complex while still very clear and linear. i enjoyed the twists and thought it was creative and enjoyable.
if you don't like the previews, don't see the movie. it's alot like the previews (which sounds like a given, but we all know better than that.)
i liked it quite a bit. it's not a classic, and i'll never watch it again (on dvd or on tv or whatever) but it was worth the $3.50 i paid to see it.

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