Sunday, May 6, 2007

thoughts from the metroplex

well, i'm foraying into the land of blog. seems interesting here. some friendly faces. some not so fun, but it takes all kinds i suppose. can i put a pic in here? let's see.... here's a pic of me, right now as i'm writing this. hmmm... not TOO shabby. i mean, it's washed out and such.. but you can tell it's me. oh the wonders!
anyway... so i think of my friends often. i wonder if we've all changed so much that we've grown our separate ways. or if we've kinda wandered off to separate corners for a bit to learn some things, and then we'll come back at a later date to share all the treasures we found. i guess we'll see...


RC said...

Nice site. Looking forward to reading your thoughts.

jefe said...
