Thursday, June 15, 2023

don't limit God

We read these verses today in the One Year Bible:

1 KINGS 15:25-17:24
ACTS 10:24-48
PSALM 134:1-3
PROVERBS 17:9-11

In Acts, Peter is speaking to a group of gentiles (non Jewish people) and the Holy Spirit touched his listeners and they started speaking in tongues. Then they were baptized. This shocked the Jewish people present because they assumed that this new church, following Jesus, was to be made up only of Jews. 

We often make assumptions like that. We assume our grumpy neighbor doesn't want to talk to us. That the guy working at the gas station doesn't want to hear about what God did for you today. But when we make those assumptions, we limit what God does in our lives.

So share your stories fearlessly! Love people! Be kind! You'll often be surprised what God does with  your faithfulness.

God, help us not to limit You. 

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