Saturday, April 1, 2023

the communion of saints

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Deuteronomy 18:1-20:20
Luke 9:28-50
Psalm 73:1-28
Proverbs 12:10

Let's look at Luke. Something amazing happens in today's reading. Jesus takes three of His disciples up on the mountain. While up there, Jesus's appearance is changed and He looks like He's wearing the whitest, brightest clothes that the three disciples have ever seen. Then Moses (who died centuries before) and Elijah (who was taken into heaven long ago) appear and talk to Jesus. They comfort Him and encourage Him for the work that He's about to do. Then they disappear.

Here is evidence of the communion of saints. We Catholics believe that we can ask saints to pray for us. I ask St Therese of Lisieux every day to pray that I'll be more like her every day. She's a wonderful saint. In the gospel reading today, Jesus asks for the help of two saints - Moses and Elijah. They actually COME TO HIM and encourage Him. They don't just pray for Him, though they do that, too. 

You can do what Jesus did (minus the super bright clothes). Ask for the saints to pray for you. They delight in doing so. St Therese said she would spend eternity doing good on earth. 

God, thanks for teaching us that we can ask the saints to pray for us.  

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