Wednesday, April 5, 2023

how to be clean

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20
Luke 11:37-12:7
Psalm 78:1-31
Proverbs 12:19-20 

Let's look at Luke. Jesus is saying some strong things to the Pharisees and teachers of the law. He says that they are clean on the outside, but inside they're full of greed and wickedness. He says there is a way to be clean on the outside AND the inside. Guess what that way is?

Being generous to the poor. Does that surprise you? Many of Jesus's teachings make it clear that how we treat the poor is EXTREMELY important. So what can YOU do to "be generous to the poor"? Especially if you, like me, don't have much money yourself.

First, and most important, you can pray for the poor. Prayer is the most powerful thing you can do for anyone. Try to pray daily for the poor, that God will provide for their needs.

Second, you can yourself be the hands and feet that God uses to provide for their needs. When you see homeless people, try to help them. Smile at them and treat them like the people that they are. Don't talk down to them or patronize them. Whatever you do to them, you're doing to Jesus. So be kind and respectful. If you have some cash, give what you can. But it's a good idea (like I've mentioned before) to carry gift cards for restaurants so you can feed them without worrying about the money being wasted.

Third, give to your church. Most Catholic churches have a box for the poor. Try to put some cash in it every time you go to mass. You never know whose life you might be changing by giving even what little change you might have in your pocket.

Fourth, see if you are able to volunteer at a soup kitchen or food pantry. There are both of those things in the Dallas area where I live. Even if it's just an hour a week or a month, every little bit helps. If everyone gives an hour a month, they'll have so much help in making the lives of poor people better.

What else can you do to help the poor? Ask God, and He'll show you.

God, thanks for reminding us that to be clean inside and out, we need to be generous to the poor.

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