Wednesday, January 4, 2023

the dangers of being a lemming

 Today we read something VERY thought provoking from Seneca. He says, "Now nothing gets us into greater troubles than our subservience to common rumor, and our habit of thinking that those things are best which are most generally received as such, of taking many counterfeits for truly good things, and of living not by reason but my imitation of others."

I posted a picture above of lemmings jumping off a cliff. One of them turns to a person wearing a mask and says, "You're wearing a mask?? Don't be a sheep!" as he plunges to his death with the other lemmings. Now, no matter which side of the mask debate you're on, we should think about it. Right? We shouldn't just wear masks because everyone else is. And we shouldn't just NOT wear masks because we see other people not wearing them. We should THINK about it, and research it, and make up our own minds on the subject.

And that applies to far more than just masks. Seneca is saying that if we follow the masses toward what they think brings happiness, we will certainly NOT find it there. We must use our minds and consider our options and make a good choice. 

That's good advice. 

See you tomorrow!

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