Sunday, January 8, 2023

Seneca talks to himself

 Today we read about Seneca talking to himself. He says, "If a man ever allows his mind some breathing space and has leisure for communing with himself, what truths he will confess to himself, after having been put to the torture by his own self!" Tomorrow we'll get to what he actually DOES say to himself. But today, let's talk about talking to ourselves.

One of the things I've discovered after writing several books is that it's good for my mind to have characters in it talking to one another. I am able (and was not previously as able) to hold two different, even contradictory ideas in my mind at the same time. I have characters from my books talk about the subject, either on paper or just in my mind, and I see the benefits and weaknesses of each argument without committing myself to either one. This is also useful in conversation because you can find things you agree with in the things the other person is saying to you, and from that connection make your points to them in an acceptable way.

But let's take Seneca's advice today and stop to discuss things with ourselves. Don't be afraid to converse with yourself regarding something you're trying to understand. Maybe do it out loud. Maybe do it on paper, in a journal. Or maybe just do it in your head. But don't be afraid to discuss things with yourself and see what you think. You might be surprised!

See you tomorrow!

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