Thursday, January 19, 2023

don't wander aimlessly

 Today Seneca says, "As long as we wander at random, not following any guide except the shouts and discordant clamors of those who invite us to proceed in different directions, our short life will be wasted in useless roaming, even if we labor both day and night to get a good understanding."

So he's telling us VERY clearly that we should find the right direction to go in life and then go that way with a purpose. BTW this is also good advice when you're in an unfamiliar place. MANY studies have shown that if you wander around and look lost when you travel, you are much more likely to be robbed and cheated by people looking to rob and cheat. If you walk purposefully, even if you have no idea where you're going, people will generally leave you alone. 

And that applies to life in general, too. Walk purposefully. Find a destination worth journeying to. Set goals for yourself and work toward them. This is good for you in many ways, and will help stave off depression that comes from aimless wandering.

See you tomorrow!

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