Wednesday, November 30, 2022

the crazy future and memento mori: One Year Bible Reading for December 1

 Today we look at these verses in the One Year Bible:

Daniel 8:1-27
1 John 2:1-17
Psalm 120:1-7
Proverbs 28:25-26 

Let's look at Daniel. Daniel has a vision, and God shows him several creatures with horns that are going to destroy one another. It's all weird and a little confusing and scary. Kind of like what we see around us today, and what we expect to see in the near future. We will definitely see kingdoms rise and fall around us as events unfold in the coming years and decades. That could be scary.

Shifting gears, I'm about to leave my home and travel to a nearby town to celebrate the life and mourn the death of a friend of mine. She passed away this week. And combining these two thoughts, we realize that we all of us are going to die one day, and really in the grand scheme of things, we're going to die pretty soon.

That's why the church throughout history has kept memento mori as one of its main themes. Remember that you are going to die. Live a life that will be remembered for the love you gave and the faith you shared.

Does that change how you act today?

God, thanks for reminding us that memento mori. Help us live accordingly.

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