Tuesday, November 29, 2022

reading the Bible is good for you: One Year Bible Reading for November 29

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Daniel 6:1-28
2 Peter 3:1-18
Psalm 119:129-152
Proverbs 28:21-22 

Let's look at the Psalm. David says, "Your statutes are wonderful - therefore I obey them. The unfolding of your words gives light - it gives understanding to the simple."

That seems so simple and basic, right? That reading the Bible - God's writings to us humans - are wonderful. They give us light to walk by. They give understanding to even simple people.  You would think that this is so obvious that you don't even need to say it.

But you do.

I'm in several book groups on Facebook. And you would not BELIEVE how many people out there hate the Bible. Someone will ask, "What's your favorite book?" or "What book helped you the most in life?" and when someone in the group answers, "The Bible", dozens of people will put the laughing emoji on your answer, and then comment on their response saying how stupid they are to read a book of fiction by a "bloodthirsty god" which contradicts itself over and over. Of course, if they would READ the Bible, they would find wisdom in its pages. I try to bring that up - that just reading for example the book of Jonah, they will find that their misconceptions about the Bible and God being evil and bloodthirsty will be corrected. 

Thankfully, those of you reading this - and those of your watching this TikTok, already know the value of reading the Bible. But stop and immerse yourself in it. Realize that what you're doing, right this moment, by reading His words - that's bringing light to your life and wisdom to your mind. It helps you find true north again, in a world that has lost its mind.

And be kind to those who are still wandering blind.

God, thanks for giving us Your words, which give us light and understanding.

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