Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Turning Curses into Blessings: One Year Bible Reading for August 17

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Nehemiah 12:27-13:31
1 Corinthians 11:1-16
Psalm 35:1-16
Proverbs 21:17-18 

Let's look at Nehemiah. It says that this certain tribe didn't get to participate in the worship because they had tried to pay Balaam to curse Israel. But God had turned the curse into a blessing.

That's what God does for you, too. Read Romans 8:28. God works EVERYTHING for your good if you love Him and are called to His service. Basically, that means if you're trying to do His will and asking for His help, He's going to take everything in your life - even the times when people try to curse you - and work it for your good.

CS Lewis said it wonderfully when he said that a person in heaven will say that he's ALWAYS been in heaven, his entire life. And the person in hell will say he's always been in hell, since the day he was born. And they'll both be right. Both redemption and damnation are retroactive.

So seek His face today so He'll work everything for your good!

God, thanks for turning our curses into blessings.

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