Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Children Are a Blessing: One Year Bible Reading for July 6

 Today we read from the One Year Bible in these verses:

1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4
Acts 24:1-27
Psalm 4:1-8
Proverbs 18:16-18

Let's look at 1 Chronicles. It's not a selection from the Bible that is the easiest to talk about, because it's basically just a genealogy. A large portion of the Bible (especially compared to other books) is made up of lists of descendants. This is important because it places the Bible in history, rather than just being a fictitious book of mythology. 

But it also emphasizes the fact that children are a blessing. In the lives of most of the people mentioned in the Bible, the only reason their name appears is because they had children. And those children had children. Eventually someone famous who did something either really good or really bad was born and they got more written about them.

The world today tries to convince us that there are too many people. That there is "overpopulation" and that we need to reduce the number of children that we're having, or the planet won't be able to support us. Now, there is obviously plenty of actual ROOM for all of us. You could put the entire world's population in Texas and everyone would have their own house and some land. But, argues the modern narrative, we don't have enough FOOD to feed so many people. We're going to run out of food! Well, let's ask a very smart man who is not even a theist. Elon Musk is an atheist (at least for now - I'm praying for him daily) and even HE says that we need MORE people, not fewer. We CAN in fact support more people and we need to be having bigger families, not smaller ones. 

I don't really mind that large segments of the population believe that we have an overpopulation problem, though. If they buy into the narrative, and they don't have children, we who believe that God told us to "be fruitful and multiply" will replace them in a few generations.

In the meantime, let's keep making big, beautiful families. They're a blessing from God.

God, thanks for teaching us that children are a blessing.

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