Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Saints Simon and Jude: Their Hearts Burned

 Today in In Caelo et in Terra, we read about Saints Simon and Jude. We don't know much about them. Which is odd when you think about it. They spent years with Jesus, and they were two of the twelve disciples that were closest to Him. But besides a quotation or two, we know almost nothing about them. We do know they were martyred. But as far as what they were like or how they acted, there is very little written down about them.

The Bible does tell us that when they were exposed to the things Jesus was doing, their hearts burned within them. Does that flame still empower our hearts today? You can read more about them here.

God, thanks for the lives of these disciples, who followed You even though we know little about them. Sts Jude and Simon, pray for us.

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