Friday, October 23, 2020

taken into captivity

 Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Jeremiah 39:1-41:18. And even though they didn't listen to Jeremiah or God when they were warned, you can't help but feel sorry for Zedekiah and his family. The king of Babylon breaches the wall of Jerusalem. The king and his men sit in the middle gate, and catch Zedekiah as he tries to run away. They kill his family and force him to watch. And that's the last thing he sees, because then they blind him and put him in chains to take him off to Babylon.

Now, we know that God takes care of His children in Babylon. We're about to read some cool stories of how He did just that, with Daniel and with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. 

But let's take a moment and mourn the death of Zedekiah's family, and the sorrow of the people of Israel as they are carried off into Babylonian captivity. Let's remember them, and let's let their cautionary tale be one that we take to heart. When God sends you a warning, listen to it.

God, thanks for warning us away from our sins, and for rescuing us even from the captivity that our sin takes us into.

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