Sunday, October 4, 2020

outside of space and time

 Today we begin reading Jeremiah in the One Year Bible. We read from 1:1-2:30. We are told that God "knew you before He formed you in your mother's womb." It's referring to Jeremiah, because the verse goes on to say that He set him apart as a prophet at a time before he was even born.

But that raises an interesting question. If God knew us before He formed us in the womb, does that mean we existed before we were conceived? How could He know us before we were formed if we didn't exist then?

Well, the answer is actually pretty simple. God is outside of space and time. Simple, right? Just kidding. I'm pretty sure it's literally impossible for the human mind to understand completely what being outside of space and time means. But since He is outside of time, that means He not only knew you before you were conceived, He knew everything you would ever do. He knew, because He isn't bound by time like we are. He knows what we would call "the future." So five thousand years ago, He knew you. Not because YOU existed five thousand years ago. But because He knew all things then, from all points on the timeline, and that includes the you that you are now, and every you that you will ever be.

So not only did He know you then, but He NOW knows everything you will do, both good and evil, for the rest of your life. That's why when God calls us to something, even though we have free will in choosing to do it or not, He calls us already knowing how we will reply. Before you pray and ask for anything, He already knows what you're going to ask for, and He's already been answering that prayer since before you were born.

So don't worry. He's got this.

God, thanks for reminding us that You know all things both in and out of time. Help us learn to trust You to lead us knowing what's best for us.