Friday, October 30, 2020

how lonely sits the city

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Lamentations 1:1-2:22. It begins with these beautiful words: "How lonely sits the city, that once was full of people."

That's something that we really need to realize as we walk through this life. God heals our relationships, brings us back together again, and our Christian lives are MEANT to be lived in community. God WANTS us to live with other people and our lives are healthiest when we live in a loving, supportive group of people.

The enemy, the world, sin, the devil... whatever you want to call the force that takes us away from God... it divides us. It makes us alone. Even when we're around other people, we still FEEL lonely. It isolates us. It makes us leave. It makes us all alone. And ultimately, in hell, we will be alone forever.

These are general truths. Of course there are times when God calls us out from a group to do something new. There are times when sin takes us into a group of people who are pulling us down. But in general, God heals and brings us together, and sin and death divide us and make us alone.

So seek what God wants for you: healed relationships, proximity to other people who build you up, loving relationships with healthy people who help you become the saint that God is calling you to be.

God, thanks for healing us and bringing us together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've always lived with the belief that the very nature of sin is selfishness. If that's true then how can anyone live the way Jesus lived and be surrounded by friends? It doesn't work.