Thursday, October 8, 2020

brought to justice

Today we read from Jeremiah 8:8-9:26 in the One Year Bible. God is talking about how the leaders have turned away from Him and are doing everything for money. And that He will not put up with it any longer, but will bring His justice to them, which they won't like.

It's satisfying when you see an evil person brought to justice, isn't it? It makes you feel like maybe life isn't terribly unfair after all - that maybe the good will triumph and the evil will be punished.

But we have to remember that this life is just a glimpse. It's just a tiny glance at the greater reality of eternal reward and divine punishment. We shouldn't get too excited when evil men are punished - because we could so easily be those men. And we shouldn't get too upset when the evil go UNpunished, while good people suffer... because this life is so short, and our ultimate reward or punishment is forever.

There's nothing wrong with being glad that someone evil has been captured and brought to justice. But let's always remember to pray for our enemies.

God, thanks for Your mercy, and for Your justice that we only see in tiny glimpses.