Wednesday, September 30, 2020

being unspoiled


Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Isaiah 60:1-62:5. God tells us, through Isaiah, that our "eyes will shine, and our hearts will thrill with joy."

If we take a step back and think about the fact that the God of the universe, who made everything that ever existed or ever will exist, cares about each of us and delights in making our "eyes shine" and "our hearts thrill with joy", it will really change the way we think about life, the universe, and everything.

Our happiness is important to God. Does that mean that everything will be fun and games all of our lives? No. If you've never read The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, I recommend it. It basically tells the story of an "unspoiling". The little girl, Mary, comes to us having been waited on hand and foot all of her life. She's never been hungry or tired or cold. Every tiny wish and desire is immediately fulfilled. She's a spoiled brat and is mean and cruel to everyone, including herself.

But then she is transformed, during the course of the story, into someone who ENJOYS being hungry. Who sees the beauty of a little bird. Who becomes curious and interested in the world again. It's quite a story.

And that's what God does with each of us, too. Not only does He delight in giving us gifts that make our eyes shine, He unspoils us, and teaches us to love and care and wonder again, so that our eyes are capable of shining.

God, thanks for unspoiling us.

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