Saturday, August 8, 2020

darius and constantine

Today we read from Ezra 4:24-6:22 in the One Year Bible. Some local leaders get upset at the Jewish men for rebuilding the Temple. So they try to stop them, but the Jewish people send a letter to Darius and tell him that Cyrus had given them permission to rebuild their Temple and asked for his permission as well.

King Darius was so impressed with them and their letter that he not only gave them permission to continue building, but he sent them resources so that their work would continue unabated. It reminds one of Constantine, who befriended the young Christian church which was being persecuted by the local authorities and instead made Christianity one of the accepted religions of the Roman Empire. That's his statue in the picture above.

We see this ebb and flow of support and persecution throughout history. Joseph goes to Egypt and is at first imprisoned, and then finds favor and becomes second only to Pharaoh in power. The Hebrew people enjoy the favor of Egypt until another ruler takes over and then they turn the Hebrews into slaves. Moses finally has to rescue them from Egypt. And then they find favor and overrun their enemies. And then they're taken captive by Babylon and later Persia. And then Jesus comes and transforms those with ears to hear into Christians. And then the Roman emperors turn against them and feed them to lions. And then Constantine comes and gives them favor again.

Even in modern times, we see governments that turn against Christians (and Jews) like the Nazis, like the Mexican government in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and like the United States government does from time to time. And then favor returns. 

God continues to work in the church, no matter whether the presiding government looks at it favorably or attacks it and tries to destroy it. We see pros and cons during both times. During the favor, the church grows, but it attracts people who are not sincere. During persecution, the church shrinks, but it becomes composed almost entirely of true believers. Through it all, God blesses the church.

God, thank You for continuing to bless and protect Your church throughout time.