Friday, May 29, 2020

getting what you THINK you want

Today we read from 2 Samuel 13:1-39 in the One Year Bible. It's a sad story. Amnon falls in love with (or rather, finds himself lusting after) his sister Tamar. He tricks her into coming to his bedroom and then rapes her. When he finally has done the thing he thinks he's wanted for a long time, he's suddenly disgusted and throws her out. This makes his relatives angry, and they kill him.

Sometimes we think we want something and we're tempted to take it. But it's not good for us, and God will try to steer us away from it. If we're wise, we'll listen to Him and turn away from the thing that we think we want. We'll open our hand, and let Him take out the thing we thought we wanted, and put into it instead the thing we really wanted all along.

So trust Him. Open your hand.

God, thanks for giving us what we truly want... and protecting us from what we think we want.