Sunday, May 31, 2020

a difficult time

Today we read 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23 in the One Year Bible. David is going through a rough time. He is grieving a huge loss... and trying to find God's will in the midst of his grief.

You might find yourself going through a difficult time right now, yourself. Corona has ravaged the world, leaving many dead, many grieving their loss, and millions out of work or having lost the business they poured their lives into.

And then along comes the horrible killing of a man, and the riots that followed. Many cities experienced violence and looting across the US, and in some cases attempted murder. The injustice of the killing, followed by the senselessness of the rioting and looting, leaves us all feeling confused and empty.

But we have many reasons to be glad. First, there are good people doing good things out there. Good cops that are protecting cities and businesses, including businesses owned by people of color. Good people who are volunteering to help clean up the mess left by the looters. And many, many people all over the country praying for peace and wisdom.

Second, our suffering and our grief are good for us. We learn things in suffering that we can't learn any other way. CS Lewis tells us that God whispers in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain. God shapes us into better people through our suffering.

And third, this suffering is just a blink of an eye compared to the joy that is coming. So take heart. In this world, you will have trouble.

But He has overcome the world.

God, thanks for teaching us hope in the midst of suffering.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jeff!

Thank you for this post! It can be so hard to find joy in dark times, especially today. Thank you for reminding me to look for the good and to ask God to help me grow during times of suffering.
