Thursday, April 16, 2020

when the entire world comes against you

Today we read from Joshua 11:1-12:24 in the One Year Bible. Joshua conquered the first king he encountered in the promised land, and all of the other kings in the area heard about it. So they all came out to fight. They brought all of their armies together to form a mega-army. This would scare most people.

But God told Joshua not to be afraid, and he took Him at His word. So he attacked this gigantic army, and defeated them all! And then, which is hard for us to read today, he and the other Israelites killed everyone in all of those cities, leaving no one alive.

When the whole world comes against you, but you have God standing behind you, remember this story. It doesn't matter how big the army is or how many the enemy sends to overcome you. In this world, we will have trouble. But He has overcome the world.

God, thanks for being bigger than anything they throw at us.

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