Sunday, April 26, 2020

don't be like pharaoh

Today we read from Judges 4:1-5:31 in the One Year Bible. In verse 3 we read that this one guy named Sisera "ruthlessly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years. THEN the people of Israel cried out to the Lord for help."

This reminds me of the time that Moses went to Pharaoh and said, "Hey, man. I can make these frogs disappear anytime you want."

And Pharaoh said, "Yes, please!! They're driving us crazy!"

So Moses asked, "When do you want me to get rid of them?"

And Pharaoh said, "Tomorrow."

What?? Why tomorrow?? Why not right this second? Now look at the reading for today. Why did the Israelites wait twenty years under ruthless oppression before they cried out to God? Was it because Ruth hadn't been born yet? Sorry, Bible pun.

But now we come to OUR lives. We do the same stupid thing!! We COULD be living happy, holy lives full of peace and love and joy. But instead we do what the Israelites did, and what Pharaoh did, and what Augustine did!! Did you know that St Augustine once famously prayed for God to make him holy.... but not just yet. He wanted to "have some fun" first. Not realizing that he was only cheating himself out of the greatest joy we can know.

So don't put it off any longer. Ask God to change your life right now. To make you into the saint that He created you to be. You've never been happier than you'll be when you live the way He made you to.

God, thanks for calling us to be saints. Please help us TODAY.