Tuesday, February 4, 2020

we need each other

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Exodus 17:8-19:15. We get a double dose of the same message. First, Moses is holding up a staff, and for some reason (we're not told why) as long as he holds it up, the Hebrews continue to win their battle. But when he gets tired and drops the staff, they start losing. So two people stand on either side of him and help him hold up the staff.

THEN his father in law comes to visit, and sees Moses sitting in his tent from dawn till dusk every day answering all of the disputes from the Hebrew people. He tells Moses that he's doing it wrong, and advises that he choose some wise men to handle the smaller concerns and only bring the big questions to Moses. This works out well.

And it teaches us that we need each other. None of us are meant to be going it alone. We should work together, depend on each other, love each other, and make the dream work.

God, thanks for designing it so that we need one another.


Julie said...


Joyrunr said...

It is only with others that I am strong and alive. Without others I am weak and truly handicapped. Praise God for leaders, friends and family!!!